Stay in touch with Feros Care

Keep up to date by following us on these social media platforms

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How to like our Facebook page

  1. Go to our Facebook page:
  2. Ensure you are logged into your Facebook account.
  3. Click the "Like" button.

Below is a screenshot of the Feros Care Facebook page with the "Like" button circled. Please note that the "Like" button may be located in a slightly different location depending on the device.

Screenshot of Feros Care's Facebook page with Like button circled

How to follow our Instagram account

  1. Go to our Instagram account page:
  2. Ensure you are logged into your Instagram account.
  3. Click the "Follow" button.

Below is a screenshot of the Feros Care Instagram page with the "Follow" button circled. Please note that the "Follow" button may be located in a slightly different location depending on the device.

Screenshot of Feros Care Instagram page with Follow button circled

Go to Feros Care website