We’re Feros Care.

And what we care most about is helping people live healthier, happier, better-connected lives.

Since 1990, we’ve been making it happen, both for older Australians and people with disability.

Our aged care and disability support services can help you in many ways. Whether you need home care, residential and respite care, some clever technology to make life easier, assistance in accessing community activities, someone to plan your NDIS services, or one of our growing number of allied health and wellness solutions - we are here for you.

We are proud to be game changers. Dream makers. Kindness champions. Culture shapers. Vibrant creators. And it’s not just us who thinks so; We’ve won many awards on the local and international stage for our approach.

And because we’re a charity, owned by the community, for the community, you can rest assured that we’re here for only you.

We’re Feros Care, and we’re pleased to meet you.

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Where we started

Our story begins with the same determination we have today. The values we live and breathe today are an evolution of the original passion of a Greek migrant named George Feros, who refused to accept the status quo.

Join us for a trip down memory lane to see what inspired George and his mighty team - and how this legacy continues to influence us today and every day.

To donate is to give, and with your help, we can support more people.

A donation to Feros Care will help us make a positive difference in the community.

Find out how you can help