Our Reconciliation Action Plan

We consistently honour the culture of the Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander community.

With a history of driving wider societal change through more accessible and diverse environments, we are dedicated to embedding initiatives to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Cover image of Feros Care Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan - March 2023 to March 2024

Our Reconciliation Action Plan

We’re proud to have our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) in place. Our team is highly engaged in putting the plan into action and dedicated to advancing reconciliation while also taking mor accountability across the organisation.

The Reconciliation Action Plan supports us in taking our work to the next level for further empowerment, and was developed by a working group of Feros Care team members, in consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and members of the community.

Our RAP formalises the initiatives that we already undertake to acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in realising our business objectives.

Feros Care Reconciliation Action Plan Artwork

Our RAP Artwork - The Journey

Artwork by Mariah Roberts and Shanti Kelly-Torrens

This artwork represents the journey - Past, Present and Future. Our culture is also expressed throughout this special piece.

The blue flowing pathway and footprints is George’s beginnings of birth and upbringing, the memories of collecting funds in a wooden box (ringing his bell) in and around Byron Bay, to the establishment of Feros Care today and future vision.

The first circle with handprints represents the past - George’s parents and ancestors, reflections of family values and traditions, learning and growth, becoming a man who has showed so much love and passion.

The second circle with pattern represents George’s love and support, caring for his parents, looking after and ensuring them good health and wellbeing. This also is a symbol of the loving generosity of Byron Bay community spirit.

The third circle with Aboriginal huts and Aboriginal people represents the creation and establishment of Feros Care, support and medical assistance, a place of caring for those in need. It symbolises connection, wellbeing, a sense of belonging for men and women.

The Aboriginal huts are the many spaces Feros Care have set up all over, that offer shelter and support to all.

The Arakwal totems of the Dolphin and Sea Eagle express the connection of Feros Care being first established and built on Arakwal country.

About the RAP program

The RAP program is an initiative of Reconciliation Australia. According to their website, “RAPs provide tangible and substantive benefits for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, increasing economic equity and supporting First Nations self-determination.”

We support reconciliation in an effort to further unity and respect between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians.

Read more about reconciliation and the RAP program via the Reconciliation Australia website.

News in the Community

Feros Care staff with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags

Feros Care approach connects culture and community during NAIDOC Week

Workshops, virtual events or through sponsorship, Feros Care and Mackay’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community stood side by side to celebrate NAIDOC week. Read how!

Middle aged man

Reg kicks major goals for culture and independence

NDIS participant Reg beats isolation on journey to social interaction and cultural connection.

Aboriginal man and young woman talking at table

Pathways Project more than just a game for Feros Care

Feros Care joins Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community for culturally appropriate pathway.