
Help us make a difference in your community, at a residential village, or as a part of our business operations at Feros Care by becoming a volunteer.

Many clients in the community and our residential villages rely on volunteers to provide much needed connection. As an organisation, we are proud to facilitate volunteer opportunities that are not only beneficial for the most vulnerable members for our community, but can also provide a pathway to paid employment for the volunteers.

If you are caring and compassionate, enjoy meeting new people and forming meaningful new relationships, then we can't wait to meet you!

Go to In Great Company website

Types of volunteer roles

At Feros Care, there are two types of volunteer roles.

Community volunteering

In Great Company is a volunteer program that matches seniors in the community who are at risk of social isolation with caring, friendly, and enthusiastic volunteers. Just a small amount of your time as a community volunteer can make a huge difference to the life of another person. A helping hand, a listening ear, and a friendly smile can all make someone feel more socially connected, and inspire them to rekindle life skills and hobbies they once enjoyed.

If you would like to join the community volunteer team, head over to the In Great Company website and find out more about the program.

Business & residential volunteering

Volunteer your services within our business departments or our residential villages. As a business volunteer, you could be involved in anything from the contact centre to marketing and technology, including opportunities within our Virtual Social Centre - giving seniors who are socially and geographically isolated the opportunity to connect with others through an online platform.

As a residential volunteer, you could provide social support to those who reside in our three aged care facilities, assisting residents with technology to connect with distant loved ones and ensuring local family and friends can visit safely.

If you would like to become a business or residential volunteer, find our available roles here.