Our Achievements
Winner of the 2023 Quality Service Award in Home Care Services - NSW/ACT
We are so excited to announce that Feros Care has been recognised as the best Home Care Service Provider in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory!
Over 2000 Australians voted in the Reader’s Digest Australian Quality Service Awards, and last night, we were awarded their Gold Medal Award for Home Care Services, with Wellbeing Manager Caroline accepting the award on behalf of Feros Care.
Out of 12 home care providers, Feros Care was recognised as the best in delivering outstanding customer service, going above and beyond to exceed consumer expectation.
Voters were asked to identify excellence in five key categories: personalisation, understanding, simplicity, satisfaction and consistency.
The votes were run through company Catalyst Consultancy & Research, and brands were not prompted when voting, meaning that our community teams have well and truly made their mark on the clients they care for.

- Winner of ACSA Aged Care Awards in the category of Unsung Hero
- Finalist in the NDIA Light Up Awards in the category of Making a Difference – National Team
- Finalist in the NDIA Light Up Awards in the category of Making a Difference – National CDC Team
- Winner of the Australia Day Awards South Australia, Best Community Project – part of the project team for Barossa Cares website.
- Winner of the NDIA Light Up Awards in the category of Making a Difference – Team
For the Mackay Housing and Homeless Project
- Finalist in the Future of Ageing Awards in the category of Social Inclusion
- Finalist in Awards Australia in the category of Community Achievement
- Winner of the NDIA Light Up Awards in the category of Making a Difference – Team
- Winner of the NDIA Light Up Awards in the category of Making a Difference – Individual
- Winner of the Stevie Awards in the category of Great Employers (Covid-19 response)
- Finalist for the Social Media Marketing Awards in the category of Best Social Good Campaign for Fearless Films Season 1
- Winner of the Australian Not-for-Profit Technology Awards in the category of Not for Profit Technology Innovator of the Year
- Finalist for the MACA Award in Categories 1, 3, and 4 for Fearless Films Season 1
- Finalist for the HESTA Aged Care Awards in the category of Individual Award
- Winner of the Global Ageing Network Awards in the category of Excellence in Ageing
- Winner of the Future of Ageing Awards in the category of Community Engagement
- Winner of the CX Awards in category Best Use of Technology to Revolutionise CX
- Winner of the Aged Care and Community Services Australia (ACSA) awards in categories Regional Provider of the Year and Innovation in Service Design
- Finalist in the Social Media Marketing Awards in the category of Best Social Good for our Grow Bold campaigns, including Pimp My Ride and Ask Gran Not Google
- Winner of the Social Media Marketing Institute Award in the category of Best Motivational Video, for our 'Pearls of Wisdom' video
- Winner of the Gold Coast Business Excellence Award in the category of Health and Wellbeing for its innovative solutions that combine technology and aged care to improve the lives of seniors
- Finalist in the Aged & Community Services NSW & ACT Volunteer Award
- Our Falls Prevention Program was the Winner in the Australian Business Awards, Service Excellence category
- Our ‘As I Age Wall’ was the Winner in the Australian Business Awards, Community Contribution category
- Our CEO Jennene Buckley was inducted into the Information Technology in Aged Care (ITAC) Hall of Fame, recognising her significant contribution to the use of technology in aged care
- Our trainee Irene Collins was the Winner of Novaskill Northern Rivers Catering Operations Trainee of the Year
- In a joint submission with Bay Medical, our eVillage in Byron Bay was the Winner in the Promoting Health Living category of the North Coast Primary Health Care Excellence Awards
- Our trainee Tracy Bannerman was a Finalist in the Aged & Community Services NSW and ACT State Awards for Excellence
- Our eVillage was a Finalist in Outstanding Organisation at the HESTA Aged Care Awards
- Our beloved resident Jilli Richardson (96 years young) was a Finalist in the Seniors Week Positive Ageing Award
- Our eVillage was the winner of the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency (AACQA) Better Practice Award
- Winner of the Exceptional Human Resource Management award at the Aged & Community Services NSW & ACT State Awards for Excellence
- Our trainee Tracy Bannerman was the Winner of the Novaskill Northern Rivers Hospitality Trainee Excellence Award
- Finalist in the MOA Benchmarking Community Service in Aged Care Award
- Highly Commended in the Best Implementation of the Year category of the Information Technology in Aged Care Award
- Winner of the Outstanding Organisation award in the HESTA Aged Care Awards
- Winner in the Aged & Community Services Australia (ACSA) National Aged Care Awards (Organisation)
- For Staff Development and Retention, we were a Winner of the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency (AACQA) Better Practice Award
- Winner of the Organisation Award in the Aged & Community Services NSW & ACT State Awards for Excellence
- Finalist in the WorkCover NSW Excellence in Return to Work for Business
- Our Chief Information Officer (CIO) Glenn Payne was the Winner of CIO of the Year in the CEO Magazine Executive Awards
- Finalist and received a Judge’s Commendation in the Leading Age Services Australia Qld (LASAQ) Excellence in Care Award
- Our Chief Information Officer (CIO) Glenn Payne was the Winner of the Healthcare CIO of the Year in the iTnews Benchmark Awards
- Our volunteer Shirley Nelson was the Winner of the Aged & Community Services Australia (ACSA) Volunteer Award
- The Feros Village Byron Bay ‘Madagascar Project’ was the Winner of the NSW Positive Living in Aged Care Award
- Winner of the Large Organisation Award in the North Coast Region NSW Training Awards
- Winner of the Organisation Award (Marketing and External Communications, and People Management) in the Aged & Community Services (ACS) NSW & ACT State Awards for Excellence
- Our volunteer Shirley Nelson was the Winner of the Aged & Community Services (ACS) NSW & ACT State Awards for Excellence (ACSA) Volunteer Award
- Winner of the Organisation Award in the Aged Care QLD Excellence in Care Awards
- Winner of the Aged Care QLD Environmental Sustainability Award (Waste)
- Our manager Gabriele Taylor was the Winner of the Not-for-Profit Manager of the Year in the Australian Institute of Management QLD Awards
- Our manager Gabriele Taylor was Highly Commended in the Aged Care QLD Excellence in Care Awards
- Winner of the Corporate Citizenship Award in the Ballina Shire Business Excellence Awards
- Winner of the Excellence in Ageing Services Award in the International Association of Homes and Services for the Ageing Awards
- Finalist in the Organisation Award in the Aged Care QLD Excellence in Care Awards
- Runner Up in the Aged Care Association Australia’s (ACAA) Employer of Choice Award
- Finalist and Highly Commended in the Innovation in Information Technology category of the Minister’s Awards for Excellence
- Feros Village Bangalow was the Winner of the Best Renovated Aged Care Facility in the Aged Care Association Australia Awards
- Our manager Jennene Buckley was the Winner of the Excellence in Management Award in the Aged Care Association Australia Awards
- Finalist in the Information Technology Award in the Aged Care Association Australia Awards
- Winner of the Organisation of the Year in the Not-For-Profit Network Awards
- Our Northern Rivers Primary Palliative Care Project was the Winner of Project of the Year in the Not-For-Profit Network Awards
- Our CEO Jennene Buckley was a CEO of the Year Finalist in the Not-For-Profit Network Awards
- Our staff member Robyn Schneider was a Team Member of the Year Finalist in the Not-For-Profit Network Awards
- Finalist in the Project of the Year in the Not-For-Profit Network Awards
- Community Gateway was a Winner in the Aged and Community Services Australia Awards for Excellence in Technology
- Community Gateway was a Winner in the Information Technology in Aged Care (ITAC) Awards
- Community Gateway was a Winner of the Technology Award in the Aged and Community Services (NSW & ACT) Awards
- Finalist for Professional Services in the Tweed Business Excellence Awards
- Feros Care was a Finalist for Organisation of the Year in the Not-For-Profit Network Awards
- Feros Village Byron Bay was a Finalist and Highly Commended in the Aged Care Association Australia Residential Care Award for Excellence
- Winner of the Aged Care Association of Australia Excellence in Management Award