
What can Gran Grandad Pop Nan Mate Seniors Elders Nonna Koro Nannie
share with you that isn't on the internet?

Chances are they’re a treasure trove of wisdom, stories and tips gathered over a lifetime of experiences.

  • The best way to ask someone on a date? Ask Gran
  • How can I dance the tango? Ask Gran
  • How can I make my own macrame? Ask Gran

Join the movement

We challenge you to #DoItForTheGran and connect with the special seniors in your life. Ask them to share their wisdom. While you’re there, why not share some of your wisdom with them, too?

Share on your socials with the hashtag #DoItForTheGran and #AskGranNotGoogle

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#DoItForTheGran School Edition

Know a school that would like to get involved in the movement? We have a dedicated program just for them.

Invite a school to DoItForTheGran!