Be Someone For Someone

28 November 2019

Feros Care launches a major charitable initiative – Be Someone For Someone, to tackle loneliness in Australia.

In our work we see loneliness everywhere. We support more than 55,000 people each year along with their supporters and families. As experts in caring for people, we’ve seen the growing crisis of loneliness up close.

1 in 4 Australians will suffer loneliness at some point. And that loneliness is a growing killer - the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

We believe that no one should be lonely. That’s why we want to raise awareness of the impacts of loneliness, with government, organisations and communities; and build partnerships with them to tackle loneliness together.

We will also develop, fund and support programs, tools, resources and comfortable environments that will help people build meaningful connections and sustainable relationships, because we know that a well-connected world is our best chance at ending loneliness for good.

Our Mission

  • To lead the way in raising awareness of the impacts of loneliness in our community, and the triggers that can cause us to feel lonely
  • To help people re-engage their innate skills of sharing, connecting and taking care of each other
  • Implement and scale impactful tools and programs that create ways for us to connect with each other in a meaningful way
  • To lobby for policy, social and service reform to tackle loneliness systemically

The Statistics

  • 1 in 4 Australian adults are lonely
  • 1 in 2 Australians feel lonely at least 1 day a week
  • Loneliness can increase risk of premature death by 26%

To find out more on how we can tackle loneliness together, head to Be Someone For Someone.