Meet the students of the VSC

13 October 2021

Row of four young adults sitting in front of laptops

We all have a story to share, and this month, we’d love to share with you some stories from the students who have been helping out with our Virtual Social Centre in recent weeks.

Meet Lydia, Aseel, and Daniel, who are studying at Australian Catholic University. What these students have achieved over their years is quite remarkable, so we wanted to share them with you.

Where did you grow up?

Aseel: Iraq (till the age of 14).

Daniel: I live in South Western Sydney and spend a lot of time in Jervis Bay, NSW.

Lydia: I am originally from the UK; I spent the first four years of my life there in Essex, which is about an hour outside of London. I moved to Australia in 2005 and have been living here ever since. I live on the Mornington Peninsula which is right by the beach, and I absolutely love it – we are so lucky.

What are you studying?

Aseel: Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting major and International Business minor)

Daniel: Bachelor of Business Administration

Lydia: I am studying a double degree – Bachelor in Sport and Exercise Science and Business (Administration). I am also completing my Certificate III and IV in personal training alongside this.

What made you want to do your student placement on the Virtual Social Centre at Feros Care?

Aseel: The main reason behind choosing VSC is that I love talking/listening to older people especially the ones in their 70s and 80s, as they were born in last century where there was nothing called ‘technology’ and were witnessing the change that happened in the world. I would love to hear more of their stories as they are so inspirational.

Daniel: I do enjoy working with older people and learning from them so I wanted to learn life lessons that would help me in different ways. I also just love helping people so I wanted to do this as well.

Lydia: After reading what the company was about, I thought it would be something that I would really enjoy. I loved the fact that it worked with elderly people as I have volunteered with this group before in person and really enjoyed it. I think it's super important to make sure that we are keeping physically active and social which are both aspects the VSC provides for its participants.

What’s your favourite part about the platform?

Aseel: It is virtual so I can connect to these people from all over Australia any time and any day, especially in the lockdown phase.

Daniel: So far, my favourite part of the platform has been watching the videos and seeing the participants having a good time.

Lydia: I love seeing how happy the residents are during the classes that they are participating in. I enjoy hearing people's writing in What’s Your Story as everyone has a different thing to share. I also really enjoyed the Vic region meet where I was able to meet some of the residents. I liked that we were able to have a chat and get to know each other better.

What are a couple of key events from your life that you would like to share?

Aseel: Changing states/countries as a teenager. This event has shaped my personality. I would say as a person who was born in a country that has only one culture, where people are pretty much from the same colour, religion, belief; to suddenly moving as a teenager to a multicultural country that has diverse people from all over the world. That had a huge impact on shaping my thinking and actions.

Daniel: I was in a fatal car accident nearly 11 years ago which took the life of my brother Sam and left me with a traumatic brain injury. I have since been trying to make the most of my life and have had the chance to meet plenty of people and represent NSW in the Pararoos football championships.

Lydia: I just found out I am moving to Brisbane next year to complete my final year in my degree which I am really exited about. Volunteering in Fiji was another key event in my life. I learnt so much from the children that we were teaching English to. This includes being grateful for just how much I have been given and have access to.

What do you love to do in your spare time?

Aseel: I love reading fictional novels or biographies, cooking, and solving puzzles.

Daniel: In my spare time, I love reading and training, either at the gym or by myself. I have recently started to also make TikTok videos trying to inspire others and just to have fun. I intend to keep this up.

Lydia: I love to go for walks each day and train with my family 5 days a week. I also love to spend time with my friends doing things such as picnics, dinners, movie nights and photoshoots. I am currently completing my Certificate III in personal training when I have some spare time and am on top of my uni work.

Young brunette woman in red cardigan     Young man     Young blonde woman taking a selfie in a car

From left to right: Aseel, Daniel, and Lydia

To join the Virtual Social Centre and meet these wonderful young people bringing life and laughter to the platform, click here.