Sing yourself happy on the VSC

30 June 2021

Three senior ladies singing in a living room, one playing the guitar

The well-known health and wellbeing benefits of singing are confirmed every day by so many of our smiling and happy participants on the Virtual Social Centre (VSC).

We asked three of our very talented hosts to share their background and thoughts on singing on the VSC.


Julie’s Sing to Feel Good sessions are all about joining like-minded people with lyrics in hand and belting out the tunes to new and old songs on mute like no one’s listening.

As Julie’s sessions have become so popular, we are excited to announce the VSC have added another ‘Sing To Feel Good’ session on Monday evenings and Julie now hosts three of these sessions a week.

"I have a passion for music and teaching. I grew up in the suburbs of Newcastle in a music loving but non-musical family. At the age of six I hassled my parents until they bought me a piano. I trained classically, grades, exams, performances, always solo. I was also in the primary school band playing clarinet and flute, and in the school choir. I gave up all music at the age of 12 and did not come back to it until I was 30! Ah, those wasted years!”

Julie’s pathway through school enabled her to become a chemical engineer where she worked in the food industry for several years. It was after motherhood Julie realised she was really a teacher and musician at heart and slowly meandered her way back to these two professions.

“I teach music in schools, run classes for parents and under-fives to connect through music and dance, teach adult singing and ukulele groups, sing, and play in bands and collect songs. With my Irish partner, Brian, we have raised four humans, who are all taller than me now. “

A couple of years ago Julie took her early childhood music class and school choirs into one of our local Feros Care residential villages. It was through this thar Julie connected with the VSC.

“It was a lovely program and one of the aims was to connect seniors with the very young. The people at Feros Care’s Head Office loved the program and decided to make a promotional video of the classes. This was just before the airing of ABC's mini-series of preschoolers regularly visiting an elders’ residential home - so it was quite topical at the time. “

Watch Julie’s video here.

“I love working for the VSC on the ‘Sing to Feel Good’ and ‘Ukulele-Play It!’ sessions. It’s my favourite ‘job’ and I spend way too much time doing it – collecting songs, making charts and lyric sheets, rehearsing, and then connecting on screen with my ‘Sing To Feel Good’ and ‘Ukulele - Play It!’ crews,” Julie said.

“Singing and playing music has so many benefits - relieves tension, stimulates circulation, deepens your breath, lifts your mood, improves your sleep and boosts your immune system. And all from the comfort of our own homes.”

Join Julie and her happy crew of singers and become part of our singing ‘feel good’ community.

Sing to Feel Good sessions are on Mondays 2.30pm and 7.00pm AEST*, and Tuesdays 4.30pm AEST*.

Screenshot of virtual meeting of seniors

Julie’s happy ‘Sing To Feel Good’ crew - feeling good! 


Ladidah Mondays have been a duo for about eight years after meeting in a choir in Brisbane - it was a case of soprano meets tenor! As well as performing original songs, once a month Linda and Sharon present covers from a range of genres and eras, which includes fun audience participation.


“My love of singing and performing started as a small child with local groups for many years. I returned to singing later in life, joining classical, gospel and community choirs and performing in quartets. My ukulele has been my companion for many years and opened up many more musical opportunities such as running ukulele groups.”


“I have been singing for as long as I can remember performing solos at family gatherings at my father's request from a very young age to singing in eisteddfods right through primary and secondary school. I majored in music when I trained to be a teacher and I came full circle teaching music and preparing small groups and children's choirs for the eisteddfods. As an adult I have been playing guitar and singing at many weddings and funerals and have been involved in choirs and small groups.”

Join our amazing duo, who love to bring variety and 'pizazz' to their music and appearances, for an overall entertainment experience.

Ladidah Mondays are on Fridays monthly at 2.00pm AEST*.

Screenshot of virtual meeting with seniors

Linda and Sharon sharing their music and fun on ’Ladidah Mondays’ session from the studio.

So, what do participants have to say about singing sessions on the VSC?

“Linda and Sharon’s Ladidah Mondays sessions are enjoyable and fun.”

“Awesome as always.”

“Julie just gets more marvelous each class and the other participants are friendly too. It's a totally awesome experience!”

“It’s amazing!”

*Times are subject to change.

Thanks to everyone who joins in and contributes to the fun and entertainment, and we look forward to meeting new friends on the VSC to sing yourself happy! Find out more about the Virtual Social Centre here.