The Team
Featuring Michael Foster
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About 'The Team'
The Team features 17-year-old Michael and his twin brother Aaron. Michael discusses his journey with cerebral palsy, his love of the sport Power Chair, and the support provided by his team at home – his family.
Meet the Cast & Filmmaker
It takes a village to bring to life the stories of our fearless film stars. Get to know the extraordinary people both behind and in front of the camera a little bit more.

Michael Foster
Michael was born at 29 weeks and has lived with cerebral palsy all his life. Michael was home-schooled up until a year ago, but since getting a suitable wheelchair, he has enrolled at the local school.
Many people comment on his sunny and positive personality as he likes to make people laugh. He makes jokes about himself and his disability and has a laid-back personality which is perfect for difficult situations.
Earlier this year, Capital Football ACT introduced Michael to wheelchair soccer. He really enjoys playing it and one day he hopes to play for Australia.

Sebastian Chan
Sebastian Chan is an award-winning filmmaker who graduated from the University of Canberra in 2015 with a Bachelor of Media Arts & Production. He has a growing list of accomplishments and accolades including his short film ‘I Am Steve’ (selected to screen on SBS and Foxtel), his short documentary ‘Brothers in Alms’ (Best Film/Best Director, Audience Choice Award – Lights! Canberra! Action! 2017) and more recently his short ‘Bus Trip’ which took out the 2018 Focus on Ability festival for ‘Best Australian Film’.