LAC Team Update - Jo Hayes

24 May 2019

‘Be brave but be kind.’ They’re the words that Jo Hayes, our new General Manager, Local Area Coordination (LAC) lives by.

She’s lived by them in her career. An experienced Human Resources & Operations Manager in both the private and government sectors she sought to work with Feros Care where she could utilise that braveness (or as we call it, boldness) together with kindness for her team, and the people we care for.

She’s lived by them in her life outside of work too – saying yes to opportunities to travel in South America and help rebuild schools in Thailand after the devastating Tsunami of 2004. Growing up with a family that was heavily involved in high needs care of children and teenagers with disability, she’s experienced the power of kindness and bravery.

Jo believes it’s important to push boundaries.

‘I’ve learned to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. It’s how I get the best out of myself and others. Gold comes out of those uncomfortable moments.’

And there’s been no shortage of gold for Feros Care’s LAC team. Jo cites the almost 18,000 participants who have been supported with their National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plans, and the renewal of all 5 regional sites across 3 states for an additional two year contract as notable achievements during her time at Feros Care.

But being brave doesn’t mean standing still and resting on past achievements. Jo is excited about the future and what comes next for the LAC service.

The team are working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities on a groundbreaking ‘kinship’ approach to NDIS planning – a culturally respectful and appropriate approach that has already seen successes for our communities.

Work is also well underway on a project focusing on participants who are harder to reach like people who are culturally and linguistically diverse, and those in isolated, rural or remote settings. Harnessing Feros Care’s experience utilising technology to support seniors, the project will break down both regional and cultural barriers to help those with disability receive the supports they need.

Watch this space.

Jo was promoted to General Manager, LAC in March 2019, after serving as the Operations Manager of LAC for almost 18 months. She’s proud to work for a brave, kind and forward thinking organisation like Feros Care, and one that encourages women in leadership. Jo was promoted to General Manager while pregnant and is fully supported by the organisation to thrive as a mother and in her career.

‘This should be the norm, and it’s organisations like Feros Care that are leading the way by championing diversity, equality and inclusion for their clients, their staff and the wider community’ says Jo.

‘It’s an encouraging trend’ she continues. ‘All the big companies are recognising that representation matters and using images and language that promotes inclusion. Everywhere I go I notice more and more inclusive tweaks that make a major difference to people with disability.’

How can society be even more inclusive? For Jo it’s simple and reflects her ‘be brave but be kind’ attitude to life.

‘Be human and treat other people like humans. Say hi. Meet people where they’re at.’

Feros Care is a partner in the community delivering the NDIS in the Townsville, Mackay, ACT, Northern Adelaide and Barossa regions. For more information visit