More the Merrier - Give back this Christmas

05 December 2019

Family with sparkles dancing

Statistics show that our society is becoming increasingly lonely, and Christmas can be one of the loneliest times of the year for many. Be a part of the More the Merrier project and put a smile on someone's face this Christmas.

Be Someone For Someone, Feros Care's charitable initiate to end loneliness, has launched, and one of its many upcoming programs to help eradicate loneliness in our society is concerned with the holiday season. Christmas is a time to relax and spend time with our loved ones, but not everyone has the fortune of a Christmas dinner table to sit down to or the people to receive presents and smiles from. 

More the Merrier encourages everyone this Christmas to invite somebody to join in celebrations by providing a ‘spare chair’ or extra setting at their Christmas table.

It challenges us all to identify someone in our network or community who may be alone this Christmas and welcome them with open arms. A time to encourage drop-ins, tag-alongs, long lost friends, plus-ones, missed ones, new ones… anyone, just someone!

The message is two-fold:

  1. Make an act of kindness to give someone else a merrier Christmas
  2. That giving of yourself and your family at Christmas time to someone alone will improve your Christmas too – the notion that the more you do for others, the merrier your Christmas will be

Feros Care will lead the way in the More the Merrier campaign, engaging our 1,000+ staff, volunteers, suppliers and contractors to each make a personal or family pledge to an act of kindness, big or small, creating a meaningful connection with someone that will be alone this Christmas.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Set an extra seat at Christmas lunch for a lonely neighbour
  • Invite someone you know will be alone for Christmas dinner
  • Invite someone you know will be alone for a Christmas eve drink
  • Drop over a Christmas Pudding to your neighbour – or bake some mince pies
  • Invite someone to join your Christmas preparations - a Christmas shopping trip, help decorate your tree or help with your gift wrapping
  • Organise a street party in your neighbourhood
  • Christmas carols at a nursing home, hospital or group home
  • Purchase and deliver a practical gift to the homeless
  • Skype or ring an extra friend of a loved one on Christmas day that you know will be alone

If you'd like to make a pledge and make someone's Christmas better by being a part of the More the Merrier project, click here.