Our people, your world: How Elliott Cronan is changing seniors’ lives

13 November 2020

Man with ginger beard sits in front of computer screen

Meet Elliott Cronan. He’s a Technical Support Officer for Feros Care, working in the Let’s Get Technical and Smart Home Modifications programs to link the older generation with meaningful technology to improve their wellbeing, accessibility and connections with the outside world.

A ceramic tiler by trade, Elliott fell into the role after an injury resulted in him pursuing an IT degree. Having coached junior league football for eight years, Elliott explains that he loved seeing the kids getting better – and he takes that same mentality into his clients at Feros Care.

“I go to work every day and I just love it,” Elliott explains. “There’s not one day that I don’t love. You’re actually helping people get better at doing what they want to do, and there’s something so meaningful about that.”

This is part one of our series that introduces our people, and how they fit into your world. Read on for Elliott’s top tips for all the things he has learned through his time at Feros Care.

It’s all about what someone is willing to learn

Some individuals want to learn Google Maps, some want to be able to Skype their family members, and some simply want to be able to send an email. Whatever is on the wish list of your older friend, family member or neighbour, it’s best to cater directly to their interests and what may suit their lifestyle best.

“With so much of the world getting more technical, and more and more things shifting to online, now’s the time to adapt,” Elliott points out. This includes banking and even medical appointments; by using Google Home devices, for example, Feros Care clients can access their MyFeros portal and book, change and view services or simply make contact with the care team.

“Many people are unaware of the possibilities their devices offer.”

Elliott points out that while some seniors might have the technological devices in front of them, they don’t think to use them, simply because the knowledge base isn’t there for what the device can do.

“I had one client who still used the phone book for everything, simply because that’s what she was used to; but everything became so much faster when she learned how to ask Google for a phone number,” he says. “She could get in touch with the hairdresser, her neighbours or her friends so much easier.”

There are no limits to creativity

With the devices used to set up our seniors, there’s a myriad of possibilities – and there are no limits. Elliott has previously set up Google devices so that his clients can ask for recipes, and it takes them through each step. Or he’ll set up the screen to flick through a selection of photos when it’s not being used for other purposes, so it becomes a beautiful way of displaying all their memories.

There are incredible accessibility options

“My clients love the possibilities, and there are so many ways to improve their day-to-day life that we may have never thought about,” Elliott points out. “One of my clients constantly needs to get up in the middle of the night so now he has an indoor sensor that turns on a series of inside lights whenever he goes to the bathroom.”

That might include the virtual light strips along the floor that automatically turn on with motion; or robotic vacuum cleaners, electronic door locks and more.

Or it could be a more traditional experience gone virtual, like a medical appointment. Clients are able to schedule a regular Telehealth conference with a Feros Care nurse to check in on medications, blood pressure and more.

Interested in finding out more? Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more news on these pilots and where we are rolling them out next! Or see what else Feros Care is doing to assist seniors with technology here