Volunteers: The backbone of the Virtual Social Centre

19 May 2021

Hands in

Joining Feros Care from all over the country, we get to know what our volunteers enjoy most about being a part of the Virtual Social Centre.

You might have recently attended a volunteer-led session on our Virtual Social Centre (VSC), from chat groups, storytelling and book clubs to arts and crafts. These are the people donating their time and sharing their passion as an integral part of the VSC. 

The Virtual Social Centre platform has an incredible group of volunteers who moderate and host sessions sharing their knowledge, time, and passion as they impact significantly the lives of others and over the next few months, we want you to meet them. 

So, we’ve asked some of our volunteers what’s their favourite part about volunteering for the VSC. 

Lauren – VSC Administration Volunteer 

“My favourite part of volunteering for the VSC is seeing how well some of our clients have adapted to using the technology. Sometimes I think they're more confident with it than me. It inspires me to think about learning as a lifelong and joy-bringing skill. I'm also grateful to live in beautiful Kingscliff. Every day when I look at the sea, I feel connected to this beautiful place and the people I share it with.” 

Portrait of woman with a green scarf
Lauren Waters - VSC Administration Volunteer

Ross – Host of What’s Your Story, Global Touring and more 

“Every Tuesday night is very special for me.  At 6pm, I meet online with my 'What’s Your Story' group. We meet every week, so our first item of business is to share what we have written about the topics that were given. Some type and some write, but all of us share. And what stories we have! The topics change every week, but we have shared so much.  We have heard about delivering newspapers during the London blitz, a Russian lunch, an unexpected birth, and so much more. What I am most grateful for in our little group is that we are all interested in each other’s writing. I have never learned the violin or the ukulele, but I heard about it. Some of us have the gift of humour, while others can tell of their adventures, determination and joys. 

"The 45 minutes seem to go past in a flash.  I try and remember to set the topic for next week, but if I forget I have plenty of people to remind me.   

"I am grateful to the VSC for bringing me into contact with the most remarkable group of people. They are experienced, wise and patient. I have learned so much from my pals.   

"I hope we can share some of these remarkable stories with other people. There is so much I am learning. We all come from very, very different backgrounds. But we get a real kick not only sharing out stories but listening to how other people have lived. It’s something we all can learn a lot from.” 

Old man wearing glasses on cameraRoss Bell - Host volunteer

Jan and Peter – Exploring the outback 

“We enjoy meeting the Feros folks who join us as we explore Australia. Our presentations give us the inspiration to find a new destination each month to present in our sessions."

Middle aged couple in raincoats outdoors with a sign that says Boundary Falls Picnic AreaJan and Peter - Host volunteers in Boundary Falls, NSW

Next time you are chatting to one of our valued volunteers, be sure to thank them for their time and if there is anyone you would have in mind, send them our way.

You can find out more about the Virtual Social Centre here