Feros Care win Prime Super Employer Excellence in Aged Care Award

03 December 2021

Feros Care have proudly been named the winner in the Prime Super Employer Excellence in Aged Care Award in 2021.

Feros Care CEO Karen Crouch with Louie Gorgijeski, Regional Manager, Prime Super

This is an award that recognises and acknowledges businesses, organisations and not-for-profits who have a strong focus on staff engagement, safety and wellbeing, training and providing staff with higher education learning opportunities and development.

The Award is part of the wider Queensland Community Achievement Awards, which started in 2002. State-wide, they encourage, acknowledge and reward the valuable contributions that individuals, communities and businesses are making throughout Queensland.

Feros Care took out the top spot for our rapid, comprehensive and holistic Covid-19 response across the business, all founded on existing workforce flexibility and IT capability.

To name just a few ways in which we worked through a challenging time to keep staff members and volunteers safe, engaged and well:

  • We ensured security, with every staff member maintaining their employment during the ongoing Covid-19 crisis. 
  • We implemented targeted one-to-one consultations with at-risk staff and continued flexible and remote work arrangements where possible.
  • We established a PPE Distribution Centre and delivered PPE kits to staff, volunteers and clients.
  • We broadened the Employee Assistance Program offerings, including Wellness Webinars delivered to focus on the three R’s - Restore, Rituals and Routine.

The Employer Excellence in Aged Care Award also recognises aged care residences, organisations, not-for-profits and businesses making a positive difference in the industry in Queensland.

The benefits of our COVID-19 response reached far beyond just our team members and volunteers; our clients also saw the results through initiatives such as:

  • Our Virtual Social Centre, a rich and interactive online community created as a unique response to the issues of social isolation and loneliness. We expanded access to all clients and other organisations via subscription in our focus to bring people together.
  • A reimagined Gran Slam, a BOLD slam poetry project aimed at seniors amplifying older voices to the world.
  • BOLD Ballerinas, senior residents who attended ballet lessons with a local ballet instructor and pre-schoolers.
  • Our Ask Gran Not Google initiative, which proved popular with 35,141 school students participating in the program, putting down their devices and seeking the wisdom of seniors.
  • Our Grow BOLD With Disability podcast project, aimed to normalise disability and amplify marginalised voices.

Thank you to the Queensland Community Achievement Awards for the recognition, and congratulations to all team members who did so well to work towards this achievement.

Click here to find out more about our COVID-19 response.