How to use your NDIS plan

What will my NDIS plan look like?

Your NDIS plan will be based on the discussion you had in your planning meeting. Your plan will include the following information:

  • Information about you including about your disability, your day-to-day activities, where you live, who you live with, or who cares for you
  • Information about the support you get from family and friends that is not funded but will help you work towards your goals
  • Information about services and supports funded and delivered by community or other government services like support groups, health centres, libraries and public transport
  • The current goals you would like to achieve as part of your plan and the long-term goals you have identified for your life
  • Details of what funding you have been allocated in each support category and what the funding is for.

Your NDIS plan will be available on the NDIS myplace portal about 24 hours after it has been approved. You will also receive a printed copy of your plan either in person or in the mail in your preferred format or language.

myplace is a secure website portal on the Australian Government’s myGov website where you or a person you trust can access your NDIS information. Your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) will give you an activation code to use the first time you access the myplace portal.

What are core, capital and capacity budgets for?

There are three types of support budgets that may be funded in your NDIS plan:

  • Core Supports budget
  • Capacity Building Supports budget
  • Capital Supports budget

Core Supports help you with everyday activities, your current disability-related needs and to work towards your goals. Your Core Supports budget is the most flexible, and in most cases, you can use your funding across the four support categories. However, there are instances where you do not have flexibility in your funding, particularly for transport funding.

Capacity Building Supports help build your independence and skills to help you reach your long-term goals. Unlike your Core Supports budget, your Capacity Building Supports budget cannot be moved from one support category to another. Funding can only be used to purchase approved individual supports that fall within that Capacity Building category.

Capital Supports include higher-cost pieces of assistive technology, equipment and home or vehicle modifications, and funding for one-off purchases you may need (including Specialist Disability Accommodation). It is important to remember that funds within the Capital Supports budget can only be used for their specific purpose and cannot be used to pay for anything else. The Capital Supports budget has two support categories: Assistive Technology and Home Modifications.

You may not have all the support categories funded in your NDIS plan. Some people might have one or two support categories funded and others may have more. This will depend on your individual needs and may change from plan to plan based on the supports and services you need.

What options do I have for managing my plan?

There are three ways to manage your NDIS plan:

  • Self-management – The NDIS will pay you so you can pay your providers directly
  • Plan-management – The NDIA will provide funding in your plan to pay a Plan Manager who pays your providers for you
  • NDIA-managed – The NDIA will pay your providers on your behalf

There is a lot of information on the NDIS website which can be found at the following link:

How do I find the right provider?

You have choice and control about what supports and services you need to achieve your goals, where and when they are provided and by whom. 

Providers that are registered are called “NDIS registered providers” and meet government quality and safety standards. As an NDIS registered provider, Feros Care has met the required quality and safety standards outlined by the government and can coordinate and provide the support categories funded in your NDIS plan. 

If your NDIS funding is NDIA-managed, you can only use NDIS registered providers like Feros Care to deliver your services. Participants whose NDIS funds are self-managed or managed by a Plan Manager can use NDIS registered providers and non-registered providers.

Once you have chosen your providers, you need to agree on how your supports and services will be provided and paid for. You are encouraged to have a service agreement in place with each or your providers to make clear which NDIS supports they are providing, the cost and how to exit the agreement if you are not happy with the service which is being provided.

Remember you are a consumer and have the right to complain or change providers just the same way you choose what supermarket to shop at. Therefore, don’t be scared to change providers or make a complaint if you feel it is necessary.

What help is available to me to get my NDIS plan into action?

Once your plan is approved by the NDIA, the Local Area Coordinator will be in contact with you to have a meeting to explain how to use your NDIS plan.

The Local Area Coordinator will help you understand:

  • your plan and funding supports
  • how to set up your myGov account
  • assist with connecting you to main stream and community supports
  • show you where you can view registered service providers in your area so that you can choose what service providers you can use

Your Local Area Coordinator will walk alongside you to increase your knowledge, understanding and confidence.

Our office locations are:


Suite 4
2-6 Shea Street
Phillip ACT 2606
1300 986 970

Northern Adelaide, SA

34 Commercial Road
Salisbury, SA 5108
1300 986 970

Barossa, SA

Unit 3
Level 1
83-85 Murray Street
Gawler SA 5118

1300 986 970

Townsville, QLD

Suite 2
520 Flinders Street
Townsville QLD 4810
1300 986 970

Mackay, QLD

Mackay Central
Shop 5
74 Wood Street
1300 986 970

Join our LAC team

We’re always on the lookout for energetic passionate people to join our team. If you’d like to join an NDIS registered provider and help link people with disability and their families to NDIS services and other community supports, please contact us. Feros Care LAC team members also take part in a range of community engagement activities in their communities.

View our Careers page for more info.