Dream big, act local with your Local Area Coordinator
14 November 2019

How can you help people to reach their own individual goals and easily understand the ins and outs of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)?
The answer is to think local. As an approved NDIS Local Area Coordinator (LAC), and partner in the community, Feros Care can get you sorted. We want you to think big, dream big and live big. Through one-on-one discussions we can help you navigate the NDIS from go to whoa. We know the scheme like the back of our hand, so we can provide professional, reliable advice to help you access assistance and funding.
Acting as your NDIS local area coordinator, Feros Care will get to know you, your goals and your challenges. We’re great listeners and we’re determined. So we’ll get the best outcome for you, your family and your carers. Together we can create a holistic, individually tailored plan that meets your current and future needs, while also giving you the opportunity to thrive.
Everyone deserves to live their best life and as locals, we’ve developed strong relationships with services that can support you in your community. From helping with the activities of everyday living, to providing equipment to help you get around or assisting with participation in the workforce.
Feros Care can help manage all the not-so-exciting stuff. We’ll ensure you tick all the right boxes, dot all your i’s and include any supporting information or reports required. Because getting your NDIS support plan right the first time will help you receive the supports you need sooner. Plus, we’ll play an active role in your NDIS support coordination – following up your application, advocating on your behalf and introducing you to providers that can implement your plan once you get the go ahead.
At Feros Care we’re passionate about creating support frameworks that build an individual’s capacity and deliver new opportunities. Through empowering, supportive and flexible pathways, that resonate with each individual, we can help make a genuine difference to the lives of people living with a disability – and their families.