Find out how you are supported under the new Single Aged Care Quality Framework

23 June 2019

Getting out of Feros mini bus

The Australian Government has recently introduced a number of reforms to the aged care system, which places the client at the forefront of service. The introduction of a Single Aged Care Quality Framework (or single quality framework) will affect you as a customer – but in the best possible way. So what does this mean?

Up until now, there have been four different frameworks that service providers in community and residential aged care have been operating within, with a different charter of rights for each. Under the new system, the single quality framework replaces the existing four, and a single Charter of Aged Care Rights replaces the current ones.

New Single Aged Care Quality Framework

The ultimate goal of the new single quality framework is to put you, the client, at the forefront of aged care services and their quality. It is designed to deliver:

  • a single set of quality standards for all aged care services;
  • improved arrangements for assessing provider performance against quality standards;
  • a single Charter of Aged Care Rights for all aged care recipients;
  • publication of improved information about quality to help consumers choose aged care and services.

The new single set of quality standards comprises eight aged care standards which focus on individual consumer experience. They address everything from consumer dignity, autonomy and choice, to the service environment, delivery of personal care and clinical care as well as feedback and complaints. These ensure that service providers like Feros Care provide care that is up to standard in every regard. In other words, the best care.

The new Aged Care Quality Standards are: 

Standard 1 - Consumer dignity and choice
Standard 2 - Ongoing assessment and planning with consumers
Standard 3 - Personal care and clinical care
Standard 4 - Services and supports for daily living
Standard 5 - Organisation’s service environment
Standard 6 - Feedback and complaints
Standard 7 - Human resources
Standard 8 - Organisational governance

Single Quality Framework Standards

New Charter of Aged Care Rights

The new single Charter of Aged Care Rights is designed to help you easily understand what you can expect from an aged care service.  It will also provide the same rights to all consumers, regardless of the subsided care and services they receive.  You will have the opportunity to sign this new Charter from 1 July onwards.

The benefits of introducing a single quality framework are to:

  • increase the focus on quality outcomes for consumers;
  • recognise the diversity of service providers and consumers;
  • better target assessment activities based on risk;
  • reflect best practice regulation.

This streamlined approach will make it easier for the government to assess a service provider’s performance.  This in turn will make it easier for you to make informed decisions about your care.

At Feros Care we’re excited about the changes ahead. It’s always been our goal to enable individuals to grow bold, supporting you to live vibrant, healthy, independent and connected lives.

We pride ourselves on establishing partnerships with our clients and hope we have already empowered you to be partners in decision making that affects your life. By embracing the reforms Feros Care will build on our commitment to individual needs and individual outcomes.

The good news is you don’t need to take any action or change your current set up.  Feros Care is currently transitioning to the new standards and we will be assessed and monitored against these new standards from 1 July.

If you have any additional questions about the changes you can consult the Australian Government’s aged care website ( or call Feros Care on 1300 090 256 and chat to one of our customer care consultants.

Planning on entering a residential village soon but haven’t decided on the one? See why you should choose one of our residential villages here.