Five virtual ways to say R U OK with Feros Care
03 September 2020

In a challenging year where staying connected is crucial, it has never been more important to reach out and through Feros Care’s Virtual Social Centre (VSC), five live and interactive sessions across two days will take a holistic approach to ensuring we’re all OK.
As a centrepiece to R U OK? Day sessions, R U OK? Ambassador Alistair Schuback will be live and interactive to share ways to notice the signs of someone struggling in life.
The half-an-hour session set for Thursday, September 10 from 2pm, will explore ways to ask “are you ok” meaningfully, and where to refer to, or find help if required.
Having the opportunity to interact with National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants, their carers, and staff, Alistair said it was more important than ever to spread the message of R U OK? Day.
“The message of R U OK? Day is that the conversation doesn’t just end with that question… it’s about tapping in and starting a conversation to see what you can do ongoing,” he said.
“Mental health is right at the forefront at the moment with so many socially impacting things like border closures, social distancing, job interruptions and inability to see family… it’s really hard to be connected, so it’s about how we do that.
“For people with disability or in aged care, it can also be more impacting, so part of the battle is to help teach people some of the tools to stay connected, and this [VSC session] is a way for us to do that.”
Launching the VSC in 2015 in the aged care and seniors’ space, Feros Care’s expansion of the vibrant platform into the world of disability arrived in June of this year.
Helping to alleviate social isolation, the interactive platform utilises a two-stage approach to not only connect people with disability, their families and carers, but offer relevant content to build capacity and skills from the studio and into the comfort of people’s own homes.
While varying in approach, offerings in the disability space follow similar themes closely aligned with Information, Linkages and Capacity (ILC) building projects. Through Arts and Performance, Employment, Innovation, Carers, and Health and Lifestyle, people can indulge in topics around culture, food sourcing, music immersion, job skills and learning about the NDIS.
To celebrate R U OK? Day, beginning Thursday between 10-10.30am, people can learn how to focus on their breathing, quieten noises from the outside world, and learn ways to focus on the “here and now”. The Understanding Mindfulness session will dispel the myths of mindfulness and share how embracing it could improve mental health and the ability to cope with everyday stresses.
Moving onto the physical approach, physiotherapist, Ben will guide participants through a half-an-hour wheelchair session at 12pm before Alistair takes to the studio. A seated yoga class, poses can be adapted to suit all physical abilities, which will be perfect for those who are required to exercise in a seated position.
The final sessions; Evening Meditation with Kevin (Thursday from 4pm) and Music and Mindfulness with Simon (Friday from 2pm) are live and interactive sessions all about the mind and movement.
Beginning with Evening Meditation, Kevin will help attendees wind down as they are guided through the basics of meditation; exploring ways to calm the mind and body for a great night’s sleep.
Culminating with Music and Mindfulness, Feros Care Local Area Coordinator (LAC) Simon will perform live music to stimulate the mind while learning a new skill.
From guitar to drums, and percussion, all music tastes will be covered, and while there’s no need to bring an instrument, those that do can play along like professionals with Simon’s help.
VSC project lead Angela Lockwood said the virtual sessions would provide relevant and creative content for people to connect with, which is fitting for R U OK? Day, particularly in 2020.
“A lot of people with disability identify as feeling socially isolated, and particularly in the current climate, the Virtual Social Centre is a great way to connect,” Angela said.
The VSC is free for NDIS participants from 7 to 65 years-of-age, including R U OK? Day sessions, and whether it be getting active, reactive, or just connecting for a chat, there’s something for everyone.
For more on the VSC or to get involved, contact our team on: 1300 986 970, or email:
R U OK? Day Sessions
Understanding Mindfulness – Thursday, September 10, 10-10.30am
Wheelchair Yoga – Thursday, September 10, 12-12.30pm
R U OK? Ambassador – Thursday, September 10, 2-2.30pm
Evening Meditation – Thursday, September 10, 4-4.30pm
Music and Mindfulness – Friday, September 11, 2-2.30pm