Introducing Feros Care's new CEO Karen Crouch

21 October 2021

Head shot of blonde woman in his 50s wearing a pink cardigan

Disruption is something Karen Crouch is comfortable with. The Registered Nurse with decades of clinical and leadership experience has been in disruptor roles before and she’s ready to do it again as she takes over as CEO of Feros Care. 

“You don’t disrupt things for the sake of it. You do it because it can be better,” says Karen. 

“Yes it’s uncomfortable, but if you’re doing it for the right reasons, you can’t go wrong.” 


Karen was a pioneering nurse practitioner – one of the first in Queensland to be accredited to diagnose, prescribe and treat patients in an emergency and primary health setting. 

Armed with a Masters in Nursing Science and under the wing of an Emergency Medicine Physician, Karen pushed the boundaries and blurred traditional roles to provide affordable access and comprehensive health care to people in need.  

In Karen’s role, she treated the person as a whole – instead of a disease profile - taking into consideration their background, housing, financial situation and family status before providing support, education and a care plan that encompassed their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. 


This model of care aligns with Feros Care’s modus operandi; questioning the system and pushing to find better ways is at the organisation’s core. 

This opportunity to ‘disrupt for a purpose’ was the major drawcard for Karen to leave her role as Chief Executive Officer of Anglicare Southern Queensland where she’d been for 12 years, and take over the reins at Feros Care – an organisation she says everyone in the sector is curious about. 

“Feros Care is edgy, ambitious and prepared to innovate and like me, they believe that the status quo is never good enough,” says Karen. 

“Feros Care starts with the belief that everything is possible and then works back from there, thriving off what is possible rather than wallowing in what is not. 

“This belief flows through the organisation and onto the clients who are buoyed by this confidence and motivated to regain, or remain as independent as possible. 

“As the provider, Feros Care becomes the trusted partner that helps them reach their goals. 

“For seniors and participants, that’s important – knowing they have a reliable partner that will help them live out their life plan.”  


With six siblings and a career that began in emergency departments and intensive care units, Karen has dedicated her life to caring for others – be it family, patients, clients or her team. 

It’s a trait that dictates her leadership style, which takes a ‘people first’ approach. 

“As CEO, I reverse the traditional organisational pyramid by inverting it,” she says. 

“Clients and participants are at the top of our tree – they are the reason we get out of bed; the reason Feros Care exists. 

“Our team comes next and it is my role to ensure that they are well equipped and supported to do their best for our seniors and participants.” 


It’s a team Karen is excited to lead. 

“I’m looking forward to being able to experience the values, meet the people, understand their passion for what they do,” she says. 

“I want to feel their commitment, get to know what drives their ambition and understand their motivations. 

“I’ve had such a warm welcome by Feros Care so far and it’s really clear that the values are authentic and lived within all layers of the organisation. 

“I’m really keen to get out and about and see some of these bold projects in action, speak to our seniors and participants and understand what growing bold means to them. 

“It takes a tribe to do this work and I feel privileged to be part of it.”  

If you'd like to read more about the Board of Directors behind Karen, click here