Kindness prevails for Community Support Worker Tania
29 September 2020
For 10 years, Tania Garland has been bringing joy to her clients as she wins her way into their hearts with her generous attitude and kind spirit.
As a Feros Care community service worker, Tania helps her clients with everything from personal care, shopping, respite and domestic services. She relishes the interaction and loves meeting new people.
“Working on the personal care side is wonderful because I know that they are looking forward to seeing me and having a chat," said Tania.
“All of my clients have such different personalities and it’s lovely to be able to get to know every one of them."
Tania found her passion for people care while looking after her parents and joined Feros Care after they passed away.
“When you have beautiful parents or elderly relatives you want to make sure they are being treated the way you would treat your parents so I wanted to work somewhere that I could offer that level of care," she said.
“When I visit my clients I try to care for them the way I would my own parents."
Tania always takes the time to learn about her clients - their likes and dislikes - and each of them has a place in her heart, but one particular client stands-out in her decade of service.
Gwenny was Tania’s very first client and over the years she has formed a special bond with the now 90-year-old.
“The very first day I started my mum had passed away the week before, and when Gwenny opened the door she just reminded me so much of her I burst into tears," said Tania.
“I was supposed to be taking care of Gwenny but she ended up caring for me as she gently soothed me and helped me through my grief. It was like a role reversal."
Tania and Gwenny became good friends and she fondly remembers the time they made a detour on the way to an appointment.
“When I found out Gwenny loved the races I got her all dressed up and we visited the TAB on the way to her doctor," Tania said.
"It was great to see her so happy and excited and it's something I still enjoy seeing in all my clients - that glint in their eye when they are enjoying themselves."
Tania said the kindness and support she’s shown by the team at Feros Care was what set it apart from other jobs she’s had over the years.
“You feel heard," she said.
"The kindness of Jennene (CEO) and all the upper management is what makes Feros great.
"They always remember your name and take the time to congratulate you when you’ve done a good job.
“If you ever have a problem you know you can call and it will be solved quickly. In past jobs I have felt like I was on my own but at Feros you feel like you can express your concerns and get a response.”
For anyone considering becoming a carer, Tania said it was important to be yourself and be prepared to be flexible.
“Be kind," she said.
"When you knock on the door to someone's home, make sure you do it with a smile and a warm greeting.
“Remember you are there to support your clients with whatever they need - whether it's taking the dog for a walk or calling a cow in for dinner. Be prepared for anything.”