All-inclusive multi-sports mash up
Free 10-week program
All-inclusive multi-sports program for everyone aged 12 - 65
The All-Inclusive Multi Sports Mash-Up provides access for people with disability to modified football, netball, tennis, athletics, and hockey.
Initially sponsored by Feros Care as a 10-week program in the Barossa, and developed in collaboration with The Farm Centre, we ensured the funding and time was there for people of all abilities to develop sports skills in a safe, inclusive, and accessible space.
The Farm Centre have now adopted the program to offer ongoing rounds and future opportunities.
Visit The Farm Centre on Facebook to view their latest program flyer.
Read about Blake's experience at the first All-Inclusive Multi-Sports Mash Up.
Modified sports to suit people of all abilities

Run by SANFL Inclusive
SANFL & ECH explains that the Walking Footy modified Australian Rules Football (AFL) program is designed to be fun, safe, and inclusive!
With no running or tackling and played on a field the size of a basketball court, SANFL & ECH Walking Footy is a 6-a-side mixed team game suitable for people of all ages and abilities.
Run by Netball SA
Tricia, Head Coach of the South Australian Rubies, who will be coaching the Netball Program in the All-Inclusive Multi- Sports Mash Up explains that as a coach of athletes with intellectual and physical disability, it is important to work with a person’s ABILITY, and not focus on the DISABILITY.
"I coach our players like I would other mainstream teams. As with all athletes, levels of ability differ. I work with each player as an individual whilst still including everyone as a team.
In game play, the rules remain the same. The players learn better when the rules are umpired strictly. These athletes are fiercely competitive."
Run by Tennis SA
Tennis SA have modified and will be able to adapt Tennis to individuals as required to support people of all ages and abilities by:
- using softer and/or larger balls to make hitting, catching, and throwing activities easier
- using alternatives to rackets – hitting hands
- using rackets with shorter handles, but large hitting areas to enable young people to quickly achieve success
- using tape or straps to assist young people with limited grip to hold the racket
- using additional grips to make it easier for young people to hold and control the racket
- changing the size of the court/playing area
- ensuring each activity is practiced from a static position, before introducing movement
- giving pupils more time to react, by allowing more than one bounce before the ball is caught/hit
Run by Athletics SA & The Farm
The Farm and Athletics SA will be focusing on three event types - Running, Jumping and Throwing. Athletics is very easily modified to support anyone to be active and have a go which makes it a great gateway to other sports.
Running - we will be working with participants to feel good about running by using small hurdles and hula hoops to entice them to take those extra steps further to fitness.
Jumping - through the focus of jumping we will be looking at what it takes to jump further and higher through activities such as standing jumps and hopping.
Throwing - this is the part of the program where we see who has the biggest muscles! This event is always fun as we get to use things such as a Vortex to see how far the participant can throw.
Run by Barossa Valley Hockey Association
BVHA explains that they would normally use wooden sticks and typical hockey balls.
As the program supports people of all abilities to have a go and learn in an inclusive environment BVHA will use plastic hockey sticks and lighter weight rubber balls supplied by Hockey SA.
BVHA will also work with a ratio of 1 coach per 5 players to assist with better individualised skills support.

To register please see Ross at the FARM Centre
Contact: Ross Sharer (Centre Manager)
Phone: (08) 8525 2149
Drop in: 40 Hanson Street, Freeling