Who to notify about a loved one's death:
The checklist

There are various people and organisations to notify following your loved one’s death. We know this is a very distressing and highly stressful time, so to help make the process a little easier, we have compiled this checklist.

Try not to feel overwhelmed as there is no rush to contact everybody immediately. Take your time and work through it at your own pace.

You might also like to ask a family member or friend to assist with the phone calls and help relieve some of the pressure.

The Checklist

NotifiedOrganisation or Business
NotifiedOrganisation or Business

More information to help you

For guidance on other more ‘practical’ requirements such as the immediate considerations when a loved one first passes, who you need to contact, arranging the funeral, and reviewing possessions left behind, please see our full Feros Care Bereavement Guide.

This guide also provides resources to support you with the ‘personal’ side of loss, namely the emotional journey and grieving process. From tips to help you accept loss and search for meaning, to a list of carefully curated websites and telephone numbers to further assist you, we try to cover all the common pain points.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits all handbook for dealing with the death of a loved one, and we hope to make a positive difference during this challenging time.

Our expert team at Feros Care are available to contact via 1300 763 583.

Support is also available from Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 and Lifeline on 13 11 14.