What does an LAC do?

Our Local Area Coordinators (LACs) will help you move from stage to stage on your pathway with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Our LACs can meet with you, your family and your carer to help you understand the NDIS; link you to information and community supports; assist you with access to the NDIS; work with you to create a First Plan based on your goals and current supports; support you to put your NDIS plan into action and to review your plan.

Feros Care’s LACs can help you to:

Understand the NDIS and access the scheme – This may include workshops with other participants or individual conversations with an LAC about the NDIS.

Create an NDIS plan – If you are eligible for an NDIS support plan, you will meet with your LAC so they can learn about your current situation, supports, and goals. This is an important step in the development of your NDIS plan. 

Implement your NDIS plan – Your LAC will help you to find and receive the services that make up your NDIS plan. They will also provide assistance throughout your plan if you need help or have any questions.

Review your NDIS plan – Approximately 12 months after your NDIS plan is implemented you will have a scheduled plan review. Through the plan review, your LAC will work with you to review your current supports and the progress you have made towards achieving your goals and make any changes required to your plan. You can also apply for an unscheduled review of your plan if you feel changes should be made. 

Our LACs can link you to information and support in your community

As part of their role, our LACs will help you to learn about the support that’s available in your local community, including: 

Understanding how the NDIS works with other government services and supports like education, health, and transport;

Sustain informal supports around you, such as family, friends and local community members. 

Even if you're not eligible for an NDIS support plan, you can still ask your LAC about the supports available in your community. NDIS registered partners delivering LAC services, like Feros Care, will also work to make your community more welcoming and inclusive.