Barry Hicks
Age 71
Kingscliff, NSW
Barry is one of a kind – he is determined to live his boldest life and say yes to new challenges. He loves to express himself in words and is looking forward to presenting his thoughts to the world.
The Scream of Red Blood on White Snow
by Barry Hicks
cold air and once warm blood
bind a death to earth
as it once bound a life to air
her eye's
once cherished winter's look
once shone bright with dreams
woven from mountain weather
shine still...
with frozen tears
my breath hangs frozen in the air
a pain exhaled
a sign hardened
in her fist
gripped hard
in desperation or fear
snow held the shape of her palm
a pearl white memory I had to snap fingers to see
appear in soft decent
slowly veil dead eyes
and purify red... with virgin white