Gran Slam poetry workshop for seniors Felicity Gordon

Felicity Gordon

Age 79

Ballina, NSW

Felicity, or Flic as she is known, may not have performed in a boxing ring before participating in Gran Slam, but she is certainly no stranger to the stage.

For fifty years she has worked as an actress, director, drama tutor and writer, and her love affair with the theater gifted her the great love of her life.

In 1964 she met Australian actor Phil Ross and, as the famous story goes, he had to pinch her bottom in a scene and reckoned she was a good sort, worth hanging on to... and he did. They've been married for fifty-five years this November!


By Felicity Gordon

Frozen, frigid, rigid with fear.
Fraught, caught, trapped and taut. 

Manic, Panic! As ideas are sought and flee

disappearing in a drought of thought.
Freed, Fantastic!  Faith returned -
Superstition safely spurned.

Confidence caught  - snared in my brain
Banished ideas that I'm going insane!
Reassured by  my inner voice in the soul of my heart..
That's when my niggling doubts finally depart - Forever! 

Replaced by trust and a rod of steel
I go forward in faith - knowing I will feel - safe at last!

As I love, laugh, live  again- without dread - without pain!
Hold tight that trust - You're not insane.....YET!

To find out more about the Gran Slam project and to see the rest of the incredible participants, click here