Gran Slam poetry workshop for seniors Wendy Taylor

Wendy Taylor

Age 80

Suffolk Park, NSW

Make room, Wendy Taylor is in the house! Wendy is a creative force to be reckoned with and one of her (many) mantras is “don’t go beige with age!” Wendy has a tremendous sense of humour and sense of fashion.

Her adventurous attitude has taken her to many places, including a TV show where she won a Bonneville Pontiac. Not joking! She’s got a talent for hosting parties which has seen her roll with pollies to minor royalty (and some petty crims, like any good party). She’s also got a talent for words and is not short on material!


By Wendy Taylor

when i slide into that steaming sudsy water i see

80 years of puddings


 lemon delicious puddings

bread and butter

sticky date 

and steamed puddings with treacle


my thighs suggest buttery biscuits


buckets of hot salty chips


ooh i have a favourite day

16th May

International not diet day


permission to have slabs of rich dark chocolate

green jelly snakes

peanut brittle

Turkish delights

cherry ripes

mmmmmmm M and Ms


and i remember  2 jaffas

one for the mouth and one to roll south

 down the wooden floor of the old Odeon theatre



I haven’t forgotten cake

Nigella says

 to bake 

this cake


4 mars bars


i must confess

to this excess

i love the chocolatey gooey mess


Now i see in this steaming water

a tum that has succumb to a vat

this rounded turn has become an overflowing vat


Sugar, salt and fat.

To find out more about the Gran Slam project and to see the rest of the incredible participants, click here