News in the community
Check out what our Feros Care Local Area Coordinators are doing in the community.
We’ve handpicked our favourite stories that are helping to smash stereotypes and work towards everybody living a bold and connected life.

Dreaming big leads new LAC down under on journey for others
The best Local Area Coordinators are not only there to do their jobs - they are there to drive change and to inspire NDIS participants to live their best lives with passion and dedication. Feros Care LAC Ruth Ejiwale hopes to go even beyond that.

Get the lowdown on all things NDIS
Disability is no barrier to living a fulfilling life. Inspiring role models who haven’t let their disability hold them back are all around us. We’re not all born with Stephen Hawking’s intellect or Stevie Wonder’s voice. But with the right support, we can all make the most of what we have.