How to plan ahead and settle your affairs to ensure your wishes are met
When difficult changes happen in your life it can be hard to work out who should be responsible for your affairs. By planning ahead you can make sure your future wishes are respected. In this article we will cover; advance care planning, how to appoint a enduring guardian and enduring power of attorney, as well as tips for writing a will.

Telehealth Innovation: On Demand Support for Home Care Customers
Telehealth has become much more than just video conferencing. New monitoring technologies, touch screen devices and better internet speeds are enabling home care customers to get on demand support when they need it most. Feros Care's My Health Clinic at Home Telehealth Program has supported home care customers, like Dorothy, to access care at home through readily available technologies.

Positive first impressions — the feeling is mutual, job seekers!
With 7% of Feros Care team members identifying as having a disability (19% among our Local Area Coordinator teams), it's even more important to ensure the first impression we make, via our application and induction process is welcoming and inclusive of employees with a disability.