Beyond all expectations: Healthy Life Program becomes life-changer for Lyn
30 November 2020
Lyn suffered from chronic pain for years following surgery - until she found Feros Care's Healthy Life Program.
Lyn is an 82-year old client who suffers from chronic pain. It all started five years ago when Lyn had back surgery, followed by hip surgery. Lyn experienced severe pain after the last operation due to an injured, entrapped nerve. She was sitting in a wheelchair for months, not being able to walk.
“My surgeon said the pain would go away – I should give it 12 months, but it never disappeared. I asked myself, what is it all about? Is this the pain for the rest of my life?”
Lyn hadn’t had any Telehealth consultations before, and she admitted she was sceptical about how virtual meetings with a nurse would work. Another aspect she was concerned about was using the medical devices by herself. Lyn was at a stage, where she would try anything to improve her situation.
In June 2020, she decided to join Feros Cares’ Healthy Life Program.
“I was worried, but I needed to try it. I was wondering how it would play out, but I just gave it a try,” she said.
When Lyn reflected on her experience, she couldn’t help but smile.
“My Feros’ Telehealth nurse was amazing. I wouldn’t have believed it, but it ended up being so much better than seeing my GP.”
What first seemed a big concern for Lyn of starting the program, became one of the greatest strengths. She realised that having remote video consultations with a nurse from the comfort of her home is convenient, safe and more personal.
“It’s the entire journey that is so much better. For a consultation with a GP, you need to get ready for it; you got to get there. You are waiting until it’s your turn, and then you see the GP eventually, but they only have a couple of minutes to talk to you – you feel they want to get you out of there as quickly as possible, they have so much to do!”
“And then, the GP would say, ‘try and walk’, but they never gave me goals. My Feros Telehealth nurse was empowering me. She gave me the goals and believed in me. We were able to build a special relationship with each other – it was something I was looking forward to.”
“With Feros’ Healthy Life Program, I learned so much about my body and how it works. I also learned more about myself. I started to believe in myself. Before I started the Healthy Life Program, I was at a stage where I was giving up. I thought it’s not worth it anymore. However since completing the program, I feel alive again. I felt empowered and wanted to do it – I wanted to progress and to get better. It wasn’t something like a chore. I wanted to do it. It happened all at the right place at the right time.”
“Before the program, I had lost my confidence. I couldn’t walk; I wasn’t driving my car; I wasn’t going out of the house. Now, I have my confidence back. I learned how to walk again. I am back to driving and doing my shopping again. I am back to living. I’ve got my life back.”
Since Lyn joined Feros Care’s Healthy Life Program, she gained confidence in her abilities; she does not feel ‘old’ anymore. While the program supported her mentally, it also decreased her chronic pain. Lyn was able to maintain the healthy weight she lost during the program and maintain the routines she implemented with her Feros Telehealth nurse, specific to her needs.
“I recommend this program to anyone, but especially for those who are on their own to give them confidence in themselves back. If someone gets just half out of it of what I got out of it, that would be already a lot!” Lyn said.
Lyn’s top 3 benefits:
3. Getting the confidence back to re-start believing in yourself.