Telehealth Remote Monitoring

A world of health support from the comfort of your own home.

Monitor your health and wellness from home using simple technology as part of the Telehealth Remote Monitoring program. Keep in regular contact with your health team without having to leave your home, using a computer with a video camera.

Delivered by Feros Care, you will be provided with a touch-screen computer and measuring devices so you can record your vital signs like your blood pressure, oxygen levels and blood sugars each day. Your results are transmitted securely to a specially trained Telehealth Registered Nurse for review. You can discuss your results with your Telehealth Registered Nurse via a video conference or telephone call on any weekday.

The best thing about Telehealth is that it gives you the confidence of knowing someone’s keeping a close eye on your health without the need to constantly travel to appointments.

The benefits of Telehealth Remote Monitoring:

  • Provides regular checks of your health status, vital signs and general wellness all from the comfort of your own home;
  • Monitoring and support is available from specially trained Telehealth Nurses – easy weekday access;
  • Your healthcare team is able to fine-tune the management of your chronic health issues using Telehealth's valuable daily vital signs information;
  • Gives you a better understanding of your health and conditions, and how you can best look after yourself.

Who is Telehealth for?

Anyone can access the benefits of Telehealth Remote Monitoring, which may be available as part of your Home Care Package, Commonwealth Home Support Program package, or other government-funded programs. 

Contact our friendly team on 1300 763 583 to find out how we can help you.

What's included?

The following are included as part of the Telehealth Remote Monitoring program: 
- A touch-screen computer that's senior-friendly and easy to use;
- All the measuring equipment that you will need;
- Training and ongoing help to use the touch-screen computer and equipment;
- Internet access;
- Monitoring and support from a Telehealth Nurse.

What's involved in setting up? 

All of the equipment will be set up for you by our friendly Telehealth team who, together with your Telehealth Nurse, will teach you how to use it. The equipment has been designed to be simple and easy-to-use – suitable for all levels of computer experience, even those who have had none!