We work with some true dream makers at Feros Care.
From community and residential care workers, allied health professionals, to business and operations staff, our people bring to the table a wealth of knowledge and skill – and, above all, stories! Read them below.
Memories, meaning and moving
Deciding what to do with furniture and belongings that may no longer be required or just aren’t practical anymore can be difficult at any age, but if you have a lifetime of memories embedded in a home and its contents, it’s that much more distressing.
Students to ‘Ask Gran Not Google’ during Seniors Week
In the technological age, today’s school kids can readily source the answer to pretty much anything on their mobile phone, but Feros Care wants them to Ask Gran Not Google during Queensland Seniors Week in 2017.
With every website these days wanting us to sign up and have an account for something or other, have you ever wondered what happens to your ‘stuff’ when your digital life is the only one left?
Feros Care officially opens its NDIS Local Area Coordination Mackay Office
Feros Care officially opened its National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Local Area Coordination (LAC) Mackay Office, which will be a key pivotal point in connecting people with services.