What is the difference between Commonwealth Home Support Program and Home Care Packages?

A common question many people ask is 'What is the difference between a Home Care Package (HCP) and Commonwealth Home Support (CHSP)" and "Commonwealth Home Support Program vs Home Care Packages - Which is better?"

Although the two programs share similarities in the services that they fund, they also have many distinct difference.  

Commonwealth Home Supports (CHSP) Program Overview

The Commonwealth Home Support Program is designed for people who can mostly manage on their own but just may need some short term help or basic ongoing assistance with one or two services.

The government has combined four programs to make the new Commonwealth Home Support

  • Commonwealth Home and Community Care (HACC) Program
  • Planned respite from the National Respite for Carers Program (NRCP)
  • Day Therapy Centres (DTC) Program Assistance with Care
  • Housing for the Aged (ACHA) Program

For a more detailed explanation on applying for Commonwealth Home Support Program funding or understanding what services are available to you, click here.

Home Care Packages (HCP) Program Overview

Home Care Packages provide a greater level of support and enable you to create a tailored support package that will work for you. 

The benefit of a home care package is that your home care provider will work with you to choose care and services that best meet your needs and goals manage your care and services. Find out more about the four levels of Home Care Package funding including the different levels and the subsidy associated with each.



Both Home Care Packages (HCP) and Commonwealth Home Supports (CHSP) include services such as:


Funding/ Subsidy 

Government Home Care Packages, in particular Home Care Package Level 3 and 4, offer a much larger pool of funding —  $34K+. In comparison, Commonwealth Home Support funding is much lower, as the care needs are significantly less. 


You do not need an income assessment to access Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) services and your age pension will not be affected by your contributions to the cost of your services. However, with a Home Care Package, you must complete an income assessment and, depending on the outcome of your assessment, a contribution may be required.

Service delivery by providers 

Under a home care package a single provider must deliver all types of care. Whereas with the Commonwealth Home Support Program, you can choose a number of different providers to deliver services for you.

Looking for support in the home are exploring different provider options? We can help you understand the differences between the two and which one might be best for you. Contact us by phone on 1300 090 256 or request a call back. Our Care Guides welcome your call and look forward to helping you find the best possible care solution for your needs.